Wednesday, March 22, 2006

an office & a schedule

With the house now liveable, and basic items finding their way to appropriate new locations, I've begun to put my office together, unpacking reference books and office supplies and a few books to research and hopefully sell. Some months back, I had written in these pages about the fear of packing my library; the idea that I might never again see some of these old friends. The fear was, of course, unfounded, and here these friends are once again (at least some of them for the time being).

The biggest task at hand is returning to some type of routine in the office. I have more than lots to do, as my archiving work has left me with numerous archives catalogued but not yet compiled. Lots of recent travel has created a topsy turvy schedule, but things begin to fall into place. Sam and I have coffee together before she heads off to the bakery in the morning, and after she leaves I head outside for a half-hour to hour of minor field work or wood splitting. Fixing fence wire, pruning apple trees or cutting back dead brush is as good as the coffee for a brace in the morning, and after that I can have a bite to eat and sit down to work. More time can be spent outdoors at the height of the day, when it's warmer, and then back to the computer again. Around five, a final hour or so outdoors is a good way to wind down the day before dinner preparations begin.

With this new schedule, I can hope to accomplish my office work and my many outdoor projects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.